We support Urban and Rural deprived Children and youth to fight against Child Trafficking/Human Trafficking, Poverty and hunger through Education

Chaithanya Mahila Mandali a Non-profit social Organization emerged to fight against sex-trafficking in India since the year 1999, found most of the victims comes from the rural background with no or less education in background which is one of the major driving forces for these girls and women, being trapped by the human traffickers by luring them with false promises as if they will be given better opportunities in Cities and are dumped permanently into the hell of sexual slavery. With these live experiences of getting know them well  for about two decades, CMM decided to Commit in raising the level of education and literacy in rural India and help disadvantaged children realize their full potential and grow safe. Its stated mission is to meet the complete Educational and health Requirements ( School Stationery that includes School Note Books, Bags, other educational tools, Shoes,) Quarterly health Check up, Nutritional Supplements to correct their nutritional deficiency, creating better children friendly facility in the schools  to encourage and create interest among the students to attend the classes regularly, Providing Sports Materials to encouraging them to engage in sports activities to be fit and healthy, sessions and follow-up counseling on Growing –up issues, distribution of sanitary pads  and creating awareness on illicit Human Trafficking,  establishing computer-based schools with spoken English classes to bridge the gap between urban and rural education standards in India to fight against the illiteracy, backwardness, human trafficking, unemployment, and ill health.


The Support we provide and expect our well-wishers to partner for the following  to be implemented wherever we work in the rural Telangana State are:-


1. IT Skill Training

2. School Stationary 

3. School Bags

4. School Shoes

5. Awareness program on healthy Nutrition/healthy eating habits and Medical Camps,

6. Distribution of Nutritional Supplements and Bactria Free Drinking Water

7. Infrastructure Support (School Children friendly benches, Chairs, Sports materials, etc)

8. Psycho-Social Support including creating awareness on Child rights including Growing up issues,Menstrual hygiene and Sessions on human trafficking issues and empower them fight against Child /human trafficking.

9. Career Guidance 

10. Reproductive health and Rights 


"We seek Partners/donors and Volunteers to make this project a grant success to save hundreds of growing innocent children to reach a better life"

Contact us /write to us : You can Volunteer or donate in kind (school stationary/bags/Note Books/Sanitary Napkins, etc) or donate in cash


Contact Person : Jaya Singh.Thomas MOB:9908582655

E.mail: cmmhyd@gmail.com


Dear friends

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for considering a contribution that will directly transform the future of a vulnerable girl and pave the way for a brighter life for a struggling family.Your support is invaluable to us, and we invite you to reach out to us at cmmhyd@gmail.com or call us to discuss how your generous donation can make a significant difference.Thank you in advance for your compassion and commitment.

Warm Regards

CMM Team


Liebe Freunde

 Wir freuen uns über jeden Cent ihrer Spende, der direkt einem Mädchen in einer schwierigen Lebenssituation zu Gute kommt, welches von einer sicheren Zukunft und einer neuen Familie in einem besseren Leben träumt...

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns unter cmmhyd@gmail.com oder rufen Sie uns an. 

Vielen Dank im Vorraus!

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Ihr CMM Team



Last update:

10. 12. 2024


We are currently improving this website.


Please direct your comments to cmmhyd@gmail.com